Coding With Aikar – Live Streams!
Lately I have been live streaming while working on various Empire Minecraft or Website related tasks! I like the idea of Live Coding as it invites others to learn from you, and on the flip side, allows others to offer constructive criticism to you to improve your code.
I’ve done some work to be able to split stream to 4 (or more if needed) services at the same time, so you can subscribe and watch on any of the following services:
NOTICE: Due to Mixer being a much superior platform, I’ve decided to end streaming to other platforms so that I can use FTL
Please subscribe and view my streams on Mixer only.
The method I used to stream to multiple before is still below.
Please subscribe to get alerts on when I go live!
If you are interested in Live Streaming to multiple services at once, follow this guide:
And here is my example config file:
I’m also using this fancy Bash Script using xdotool to automate switching scenes with OBS, install xdotool, assign 2 scenes a hotkey for control + alt + [ and control + alt + ]